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Freitag, 28. Juni 2013

Bigger, Better and a Wobbel!

Finally, the Beast is growing. Photo: Buechi

It was hot, but it was great! Photo: Buechi
Everytime you finish a project, you start thinking, what you could build next. Which part to extend, and where this super easy trainings quarter pipe should be located.

So was it exactly this time. The moment we finished the Beast, two years ago, we were thinking what would be the next step. We knew for sure to have a funny little quarter, a possibility to do transfers out of the Bowl and of course, a speed wobbel.

We started mid-march with the dirt work and the rebars. But shitty weather postponed the concrete days until mid June.

We also improved the chill area and repainted the Beast. Now it looks awesome and fingerlicking yummy. Skating is more fun than ever!

Enjoy here the photodrop with Marc Bachmanns and Nicolas Büchis photos.

We have to thank a lot to KIBAG Concrete. They sponsored us again, and the concrete is perfect. Thanks a lot KIBAG!
A concrete slip and slide. It actually worked. Photo: Marc Bachmann
Syltan was in the second shift, smoothing it! Photo: Marc Bachmann

Chrigel and the Wobbel! Photo: Marc Bachmann
Overview after day 2. Photo: Buechi 
Overview of day 1 work. Photo: Marc Bachmann
Did I mention it was incredibly hot? Photo: Buechi
on day 2 we did the flat! Photo: Buechi 
Shaping, trallaala! Photo: Marc Bachmann 
Slip and slide Olé Olé Photo: Büchi
Heavy Work! Photo: Nicolas Büchi
Boris derailing! Photo: Büchi
Smoothest Surface we ever made! Photo: Buechi 
Exhausted and drinky! Photo: Marc Bachmann

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